Follow-up Study BC BroekhinJune 2005 the students of group 1 (research group of dyslexic students treated with auditory stimulation and specific remedial education) ended the therapy and they also didn’t receive any longer remedial education. To be sure that the changes would remain stable some time after that period of treatment, about 9-10 months later, 8 of 10 students from group 1 were tested again with all the tests mentioned in the first study. We still see a significant improvement (compared to the post-test at the end of the first study) in: Technical Reading (decoding) Spelling Phonemic analysis Auditory Memory Of course students develop during school time, but significant improvement shows that J-IAS can give something extra. The improvement of auditory memory is remarkable. In the post-test (after the period of auditory stimulation) there was no significant improvement. About 9-10 months later there is. By listening to customized music changes are made where, during the further development, students still can benefit from. It is also remarkable that there is no significant improvement in Reading Comprehension. However still students improve on this item. Most improvement we see in the Micro-score (word level) and less improvement in Meso-score (sentence level) and Macro-score (text level). Most dyslexic pupils don’t like to read. We hoped that, by giving them more tools (J-IAS), this would change. We think that developing tools is still going on (this is shown by improvement on Macro-score and almost significant improvement on Rapid naming words!) and that the solid base made by J-IAS can achieve more positive changes in the future. Those items which don’t improve significant stay stable. Most important is the audiogram. The hearing curves of left and right don’t significant change after having stopped auditory stimulation. This means that there is an average difference of 2,5 Db between the post-test and the follow-up test 9-10 months later. So we can conclude that changes made by J-IAS in the hearing curves stay stable a long period after having ended this therapy. Students can continue to benefit from the positive changes. In the Auditory Laterality we see a significant improvement on left. In the post-test the left ear stayed stable and the right ear improved significantly. In the follow-up test the right ear still improves but not significantly. Speed copying, Visual memory and Rapid Naming (total average) even improve. Within Rapid Naming well improving are: numbers, words, colours and pictures. So the information processing also still improves ! In spite of the normal development of pupils we see that, after having ended auditory stimulation for about 9-10 months, there still is a significant improvement on tested items. We may conclude that the changes, caused by J-IAS, stay stable / don’t increase. Dyslexic pupils treated with J-IAS can benefit from the changes during their further school career. This will help their development and probably give more chance of success. |